Women's Services

The women’s services service line is offered at the following Prisma Health facilities.

Baptist Hospital

Birthplace: This unit includes 16 private birthing rooms and a surgical suite consisting of 3 OR rooms and a 5-bed pre-op/PACU area. The high risk unit includes 5 triage rooms, 4 observation rooms, and 9 inpatient high-risk antepartum rooms. The unit is designed to safely care for the obstetrical triage patient, greater than 16 weeks gestation, outside of an emergency department. The unit delivers approximately 3,000 babies a year. 

Family Place (OB/GYN): A 26-bed unit that cares for a patient population that consists of postpartum mothers who do not qualify for couplet care or have infants in the NICU, antepartum patients, gynecological surgeries, antepartum patients and post-op readmits. Gynecological surgical patients include hysterectomies, bladder repairs and myomectomies. 

Nesting Place: A 18-bed unit that focuses on the care of mothers and newborns. The unit utilizes the couplet care model that has one nurse providing care to the mother and baby together. The mothers are vaginal and cesarean section delivered postpartum patients.  The newborns are at least 36 weeks gestation or older. The unit provides rooming-in at least 23 hours a day with breastfeeding support and preparation for discharge to home with education.

Newborn Nursery: This unit provides care to newborns that are 35 weeks gestation or greater.  All newborn care is provided in the mother’s room after a vaginal delivery. Care is provided to the newborn infant immediately after a Cesarean birth in the nursery until the mother is stable in recovery. The newborn nursery focuses on providing lactation assistance to all mothers who desire to breastfeed their infants. 

Baptist Parkridge Hospital

Family Beginnings: A 20-bed inpatient nursing unit that provides maternal and newborn transitional care jointly away from the labor and delivery suite. The service line also consists of a GYN surgical unit, where the unit cares for a variety of patients requiring GYN surgical services on our unit as well as mastectomy patients.

Family Birthplace: This unit offers a 6-bed Labor & Delivery unit, 3 triage rooms, a 3-bed preoperative/PACU area, and 2 Operating rooms. Our hospital provides labor and delivery services to patients who are 35-40 weeks gestation.  The Newborn Nursery is a Level 1 unit with twelve beds to provide care to the neonate. 

Family Beginnings: This is a 35-bed unit that cares for postpartum low risk moms and newborns. Nurses that are assigned to couplet care and/or newborn nursery care. The nursery nurse is responsible for newborn admissions and cares for border babies that may require an extended stay. The unit is part of the main program that provides care for our opioid exposed newborns, so that their care can take place in Level 1 nursery and not in a NICU setting.

Family Birthplace: This unit takes care of a variety of patients encompassing low and high risk inductions, low and high risk patients in labor, high risk antepartum patients, and grief/demise cases. This unit provides the opportunity for water births and midwifery care.
Greenville Memorial Hospital is also the Perinatal Regional Center that accepts and manages high risk transfers from other facilities within the community.  The unit consists of 15 labor rooms, an OB operating room suite with 3 ORs as well as multiple recovery rooms, and a 7-bed triage area.

Women’s Specialty: This 23-bed unit cares for high-risk antepartum patients, high risk postpartum patients, GYN patients, and grief/demise patients. Women’s specialty also assumes care of patients in the early stages of induction. 

Family Birthplace: This unit provides nursing care to include OB triage, antepartum care, labor/delivery/recovery, postpartum couplet care and GYN post-surgical patient care. 

Patewood Hospital

Family Beginnings: Care of low risk new moms and babies. There is a nursery for babies that may need stabilization; however, the unit practices rooming-in for routine postpartum care. The unit consists of 12 postpartum rooms on the fourth floor and 18 rooms on the third floor.

Family Birthplace: Care of low-risk laboring patients that have completed at least 35 weeks gestation and includes labor, delivery, and recovery. There are 10 LDRs, 2 ORs for cesarean sections, 3 PACU beds, and 2 triage beds. 

Richland Hospital

Birthplace: A 16-bed Labor and Delivery unit, 4-bed triage area, 4-bed pre-op area, 3-bed post-op area, and a 3-room OR suite. This unit serves 16 counties in providing care for high risk obstetric patients who are transferred due to the prematurity in their gestational age. Babies that are born preterm will be cared for in the Level 3 NICU and Special Care Nursery. This unit performs approximately 2,600 deliveries per year.

Nesting Place: A 28-bed unit that focuses on the care of mothers and newborns. The patient population is diverse and includes a variety of maternal and newborn levels of patient acuity.  The unit utilizes the couplet care model that has one nurse providing care to the mother and baby together. The newborns are at least 35 weeks gestation or older. The unit provides rooming-in at least 23 hours a day with breastfeeding support and preparation for discharge to home with education. 

Tuomey Hospital

Family Birthplace: This unit cares for a variety of obstetrical patients. There are 9 labor and delivery rooms, 2 dedicated operating rooms and space for triage care.. This unit performs approximately 1,200 deliveries per year.

Family Beginnings: This is a 24-bed unit that provides care to the growing family through the generations. As a Baby Friendly hospital, the unit offers couplet care to allow mothers and babies to be cared for by one health care team in the mother’s room. Newborns born early or requiring a higher level of care receive care in our 22 bed level II nursery.